How Tall is Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn?


Horizon Zero Dawn is an incredibly popular action role-playing game developed by Guerilla Games and released in 2017. The game features Aloy, a strong and resourceful protagonist who embarks on a thrilling journey in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by robotic creatures. Fans of the game often wonder about the height of Aloy, curious to know how she measures up compared to other characters. In this tutorial article, we will explore just how tall Aloy is and delve into different aspects related to her height.

Exploring Aloy's Height

Aloy's height is not explicitly mentioned in the game, but there are several ways we can approximate it. One method is to compare her height to other objects or characters within the game's world. Another approach is to consider the real-world human proportions that developers often use when creating characters. Let's delve deeper into these methods to gain a better understanding of Aloy's height.Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn

Comparing Aloy's Height with the Environment

When trying to estimate Aloy's height, it can be helpful to compare her to various objects in the game. For example, if we observe how she stands next to normal-sized doors, we can make an assumption about her height. Another option is to compare her to other characters whose heights are mentioned or can be approximated. However, it is important to note that these comparisons may not provide precise measurements but rather a relative idea of her height in relation to the game's environment.

Determining Aloy's Height through Proportions

Game developers often follow real-world human proportions when designing characters, which can be used as a reference to gauge Aloy's approximate height. The average height of a human female is around 5 feet 4 inches (162.56 cm). Considering that Aloy appears to be of average height, we can assume that she falls within this range.

Analyzing Fans' Discussion and Speculations

The topic of Aloy's height has sparked numerous discussions among fans. Some fans speculate that Aloy might be slightly taller than the average height, given her physical abilities and the demands of her journey. Others argue that her height is average, as her abilities are more dependent on her skills and equipment rather than physical stature. These discussions highlight the curiosity and interest surrounding Aloy's height and how it relates to her character and story.Aloy Concept Art

The Impact of Height on Aloy's Character

While Aloy's exact height may not be explicitly revealed, her character traits and abilities are what truly define her. Regardless of her height, Aloy possesses exceptional agility, combat skills, and intelligence that set her apart in the game's world. Her height, or the lack of precise knowledge about it, doesn't hinder or enhance her abilities in any way. Rather, it is her determination, resourcefulness, and resilience that make her a beloved and iconic character in Horizon Zero Dawn.


Although the exact height of Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn remains a subject of speculation and estimation, it is clear that her character is defined by far more than just her physical stature. The game's immersive world, captivating story, and Aloy's remarkable abilities make her a standout character, irrespective of her height. As players embark on their adventures with Aloy, they are drawn into a rich and engaging world, where her journey unfolds, regardless of any precise numeric measurement of her height.

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