How to Get Blood Off Pillow Case: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Why Removing Blood Stains is Important

Removing blood stains from pillowcases is crucial to maintain their cleanliness and preserve their longevity. Whether the stains are caused by a minor cut or accident, prompt action is essential to prevent the blood from setting deep into the fabric fibers. In this step-by-step tutorial, we will guide you on how to effectively remove blood stains from pillowcases using simple household items and techniques.

Materials Needed:

PillowcaseTo successfully remove blood stains from a pillowcase, gather the following materials:- Cold water- Hydrogen peroxide- Liquid dish soap- Clean white cloth or paper towel- Enzyme-based stain remover (optional)- Salt (optional)- Baking soda (optional)

Step 1: Act Immediately

Cold waterThe key to successfully removing blood stains is to act quickly. As soon as you notice the stain, promptly rinse the affected area with cold water. Cold water helps prevent the blood from setting into the fibers and making the stain more stubborn. Avoid using hot water, as it can cause the proteins in the blood to coagulate, making the stain more difficult to remove.

Step 2: Pre-treat the stain

To effectively pre-treat the blood stain, create a solution by mixing one part hydrogen peroxide with two parts cold water in a bowl. Gently dab the stained area with the solution using a clean white cloth or paper towel. Avoid rubbing the stain, as it can push the blood further into the fabric. Blot the stain until it starts to lift.

Step 3: Apply Dish Soap

Liquid dish soapAfter pre-treating the stain, apply a small amount of liquid dish soap directly onto the remaining blood stain. Gently work the soap into the fabric using your fingertips. Allow the dish soap to sit on the stain for approximately 10 minutes. Dish soap helps break down the proteins in the blood, making it easier to remove.

Step 4: Rinse and Inspect

Thoroughly rinse the pillowcase under cold running water to remove the dish soap and loosened blood stain. Inspect the fabric to determine if the stain has been completely removed. If any traces of the stain remain, repeat steps 2 and 3 until the stain is no longer visible.

Step 5: Optional Additional Steps

If the blood stain persists, you can try one of the following additional steps:

Enzyme-based Stain Remover

Enzyme-based stain removerEnzyme-based stain removers can be effective in breaking down protein-based stains like blood. Follow the manufacturer's instructions and apply the stain remover to the remaining blood stain. Allow the product to sit on the stain for the recommended duration before rinsing thoroughly.

Salt Paste

A salt paste can be used as an alternative method to remove stubborn blood stains. Mix salt with a small amount of cold water to create a thick paste. Apply the paste directly to the stain and let it sit for approximately 30 minutes. Rinse the pillowcase under cold water, and the stain should be noticeably lighter or completely gone.

Baking Soda Solution

Baking sodaBaking soda is known for its natural cleaning properties. Create a paste by combining baking soda and cold water. Apply the paste directly to the blood stain and gently rub it into the fabric. Allow the paste to sit for about 30 minutes before rinsing the pillowcase with cold water.

Step 6: Launder the Pillowcase

Once the blood stain has been successfully removed, launder the pillowcase as you normally would. Check the care instructions on the pillowcase label to determine the appropriate washing method. Use the recommended water temperature and laundry detergent to ensure a thorough cleaning.


Removing blood stains from pillowcases is a relatively simple process that can be accomplished using household items and a systematic approach. By promptly treating the stain, applying pre-treatment solutions, and considering additional steps if necessary, you can restore your pillowcases to their original stain-free state. Remember to always test any cleaning solutions on a small, inconspicuous area of the pillowcase before applying them to the stain to ensure they do not cause any damage. With these steps in mind, you can easily tackle blood stains and maintain the cleanliness and freshness of your pillowcases.

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